Short History of the Notary Public

Few people know that much about notaries, and we don’t blame them. We aren’t sure how many of our readers can define “notary.” This short History of the Notary Public post is so important! The history behind one of the unknown professions has been shrouded in mystery for a long time, but it shouldn’t be.

Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians documented every notable event in the empire through their scribes. Pigments, water pots, and writing implements were often carried over their shoulders as they traveled from place to place, documenting all that was happening around them. The earliest known chroniclers of official communications made up a whole level of bureaucracy at this point, traveling with dignitaries between towns on business or accompanying armies into battle where these highly skilled artists recorded what happened so future generations would know not only about wars but also how crops grew (or failed) during a particular period.

In an ancient world where ink and papyrus were expensive, the scribes would have to choose their words wisely. They could only write so much before they had to create a new scroll, but when Pharaoh Tutankhamun died with writing tools in his tomb, it became clear that he valued record keeping as the most highly esteemed art of all time. The scribal apprentices who came after him employed this wise lesson by correcting documents whose text was riddled with mistakes – redacting our past for generations yet born into this life.

Roman Empire: 535

In ancient Rome, notaries were considered to be an elite group. They were educated in Roman and Greek law and were trained in rhetoric. Public officials, called scribae, that is to say, scribes, rose in rank from mere recorders of facts and judicial proceedings, copiers, and transcribers to a learned profession prominent in private and public affairs. Some were permanent officials attached to the Senate and courts of law. Their duties were to record public proceedings, transcribe state papers, supply magistrates with legal forms, and register the decrees and judgments of magistrates.

In the last century of the Republic, probably in the time of Cicero and apparently by his adoptive son Marcus Tullius Tiro, after whom they were named ‘notae Tironianae,’ a new form of shorthand was invented, and certain arbitrary marks and signs called notae, were substituted for words in everyday use. A writer who adopted the new method was called a notarius. Initially, a notary took down statements in shorthand using these notes and wrote them as memoranda or minutes. Later, the title notarius was applied almost exclusively to registrars attached to high government officials, including provincial governors and secretaries to the Emperor.

Notaries became widespread in Northern Italy, France, Germany, and England during the Middle Ages because people relied on them to protect against fraud when trading goods or exchanging money when they did not have banks. With the fall of Rome, notaries went into hiding and remained largely unknown for many centuries. In 1485, Italian lawyers decided to change all this by establishing the first school dedicated to training notaries.

Order of the Knights Templar: 1099-1307

In the early Middle Ages, there were many different orders of Knights. The Order of the Templar was a monastic military order formed in 1099 at the end of what is now called “The First Crusade.” Two centuries after formation, they became powerful and created modern banking systems, an essential technique for notaries to record business transactions.

Notaries Public in England: 13th and 14th Centuries.

After the Norman Conquest, notaries were only used in very few cases, such as wills and deeds. The clergy often appointed members of their profession as Notaries because they were more familiar with Roman Law than laypeople who lived in towns or trading centers. But during the 12th century, when English common law developed free from most Roman influence, appointing laypeople with legal knowledge that was still key for understanding documents like contracts or wills became necessary. Notary positions began to become popular among townsfolk interested in these matters. Still, they remained members-in-good standing within their communities until the mid-14th century, after which clergy ceased involvement in secular business altogether, thus leaving them exclusively up to qualified laypersons instead because people wanted someone available locally wherever there might be disputes about land ownership between neighbors.

Notaries and the Conquests of Columbus: 15th Century

The notaries accompanied Christopher Columbus on all his voyages to ensure that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella received an accurate account of any treasures discovered by Spanish explorers so they could keep track of them accordingly. For example, they documented when he first beheld America in 1492 by landing on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas. Notaries were truth’s alchemists in colonial America. They would transform the endless diversity that people expressed into a formulaic language to produce an approved form of writing for documents, which other notaries duly witnessed.

In a world where truth is often complicated to find, the Notarial certificate has become one of the most critical and relied-upon tools for verifying authenticity. A notary’s word in these documents demands that their readers believe them without question because they are faithful witnesses who were present at every scene and happened to record what was happening accurately.

 Notaries in Early America: 1600-1800

The importance of notaries in early America can be seen through their involvement with trans-Atlantic commerce. Notaries would certify and keep documents safe, which made them invaluable to business during this time as companies relied on the honesty of a third party when reporting damage or loss to cargo ships. While they were held in very high regard at that time, life for notaries was anything but easy – some had no formal education and needed extensive knowledge about contract law before presenting themselves as one.

The Notary was an essential cog in the complex government, commerce, and private life system in 17th-century Europe. They were often consulted for their expertise with contracts or other legal documents by people who would otherwise have been illiterate. It offers unique opportunities for those who need easy access to higher education. Still, good fortune could be fleeting as many faced conflicts between colonial settlers from across the sea and empires like France, England, Spain, and Holland that ruled them at home. Sadly, some found themselves caught up in a violent struggle overpowering, which cost lives – even their own!

John Coolidge and President Calvin Coolidge: 1872-1933

John Coolidge was born in 1845 and was 78 years old when he came to fame as a Notary Public in Plymouth Notch, Vermont. His son Calvin Coolidge was elected Vice President under Warren G. Harding in 1921. When Harding died in 1923, Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th President of the United States by his father – the only president to ever be sworn in by a Notary.
In the United States, notaries act as impartial third parties who can authenticate documents and testify to their validity under penalty of perjury. They are responsible for ensuring that a signature on any document is genuine; identifying any signatures or marks made by other people who appear to be intentional; witnessing, when required, another person signing his name in the presence of the notary public; and administering an oath or affirmation to another person when authorized by law.

Coolidge is a significant President, and many people are drawn to him for his wisdom. He was not afraid of saying “no” when needed, even if he would be unpopular in the process; this lesson can also affect Notaries as they serve the public with their work.